Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Friendship Bracelets as a Souvenir during Kids Birthday Parties (part 2 of 2)

The first step in making the friendship bracelet is to buy the supplies needed which include sets of colorful beads of your or your child's choice, elastic nylon string, a pair of scissors, glue gun, pieces of glue stick, tape measure or ruler, and a round nose pliers if you choose to add locks and other metal items in the bracelet. You can find old stuff in your house or buy these in the crafts store nearby.

Once you have all the materials that you need, ask your child to segregate pieces of beads according to his or her preference. Or to make the process faster, you can segregate bead pieces by yourself. Next is to come up with a bracelet design and draw in on a piece of paper. Here, you can ask your child to come up with his or her design and incorporate it with yours.

After which, get the elastic nylon. Using a tape measure or a ruler cut the string according to your desired length with a pair of scissor. Then, gather the beads that your have segregated and selected earlier and start stringing the beads into the elastic string. After that, knot the two ends of the string after you threaded the beads in it. Make sure to tie the final knot twice so it will not loosen up. Cut the excess nylon string using a scissor.

To make sure that the ends would not loosen up, you can put glue on the knots and flatten it with round nose pliers. You now have unique souvenirs that you can give out during kids birthday parties.


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